Types of Female Genital Piercings
1) Isabella piercing is a female genital piercing. This extremely deep clitoral shaft piercing starts below the clitoris and just above the urethra, and then goes up through the clitoral shaft and exits at the top of the hood (where the entrance hole is for a Christina piercing).
This piercing was first documented in issue 17 of Piercing World Magazine. As an Isabella piercing intersects the shaft of the clitoris, some piercers maintain it has the risk of nerve damage. Nerve damage can result from piercing a clitoris that is too small or from piercing through the shaft of the clitoris and through the dorsal nerve. Piercing through the shaft of the clitoris can also result in excessive bleeding and blood loss to the clitoris. This is an extremely rare kind of piercing, and like most female genital piercings this is also highly anatomy-dependent. Healing time is 2-3 months. The Nefertiti piercing was invented in response to the inherent dangers involved with the Isabella piercing.
2) A clitoral hood piercing is a female genital piercing through the clitoral hood surrounding the clitoris. There are two main types of hood piercing, the vertical clitoral hood piercing and the horizontal clitoral hood piercing. As the name indicates, the difference is in the direction the piercing is oriented in the skin above the clitoris. Neither of these piercings penetrates the clitoris itself.
Like most genital piercings, these piercings have relatively short healing times, due to the amount of blood flow to the area. During the healing period however, the piercing is a wound and can increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
3) A Christina piercing, also known as a Venus piercing, is a female genital piercing. It is located where the outer labia meet, below the pubic mound. Unless the recipient has an extremely sympathetic anatomy, Christinas are usually considered surface piercings and have a high rejection rate. Due to anatomical variation, it is not possible with every woman. The piercing does not facilitate sexual stimulation and can be found uncomfortable when pressure is applied, for example when wearing tight pants.
4) Labia piercings are one type of female genital piercing. This piercing can be placed either through the labia minora or the labia majora. They are one of the simpler and more common genital piercings performed on women, and are often pierced in symmetrical pairs. Like all genital piercings, depending on jewellery and placement, they may provide additional stimulation to one or both partners during sexual intercourse.
5) A triangle piercing is one of several forms of female genital piercing. The piercing passes from side to side, beneath the base of the clitoral hood tissue where it meets the inner labia and under the clitoris. In addition to serving as adornment, it increases the intensity of sexual stimulation, particularly during sexual intercourse. The name is derived from the tissue where the labia meet the clitoral hood, which looks like a triangle when pinched. This is the only genital piercing that can stimulate the clitoris from behind it, although it does not pass through the clitoris or the clitoral shaft. It is said to be one of the more painful genital piercings because it passes through so much tissue and so many nerves.
Most women do not have the proper anatomical features for this piercing. It requires that the back of the clitoral hood extend outward from the body somewhat.
6) A fourchette piercing is a female genital piercing. It is a piercing done at the rear rim of the vulva, in the area of frenulum labiorum pudendi. Many women do not have a pinchable flap of skin in the area, and are not suited for this piercing. If the correct anatomy is present, placement and piercing tends to be relatively easy.
7) A Nefertiti piercing is a female genital piercing that is a combination of a vertical clitoral hood piercing and a Christina piercing. Healing can be lengthy due to the amount of tissue the jewelry must pass through. Flexible bars are recommended by professional piercers for jewelry due to pressures that could be put on the piercing by being passed through so much flesh.
8) Princess Albertina is a female genital piercing, where a ring enters the urethra and exits through the top of the vagina. Anne Greenblatt describes the Princess Albertina as another "relatively new and experimental piercing. "Its name comes from the fact that it is analogous to the male Prince Albert piercing." This is a relatively rare piercing, as placement is difficult and the potential for urinary tract infections may be increased by this piercing. This piercing requires the bearer to have a large enough urethra for it to be viable. This piercing can be extremely sexually stimulating, as its presence stimulates the nerves of the urethra during intercourse or masturbatory activities. It is an advanced piercing and many piercers may not be willing or able to perform it. As noted above, the primary concern with this piercing is that it can lead to an increase in urinary tract infections. While many male genital piercings are transurethral, the longer length of the male urethra reduces the risk of urinary tract infection due to transurethral piercings. In addition, the urethral sounding play often used to enlarge the urethra can be dangerous if done improperly. The presence of this piercing can alter or divert the flow of urine from the body and may require extra attention during and after urination.
9) A clitoris piercing is a piercing through the clitoris itself. It is a relatively uncommon piercing and is often confused with the more common clitoral hood piercing, which pierces only the hood of the clitoris. Depending on the anatomy of the individual, they can be oriented either vertically or horizontally. This piercing, like male genital piercings which penetrate the glans penis, can be extremely sexually stimulating. This piercing requires that the piercee have a large enough clitoris to make the piercing viable.
To see a few examples of Female Genital Piercings click on the link below.
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